A window to the sky is not slavery. It is an invitation to let your mind soar. There is no prison of the spirit if your mind can fly yourself out of there, wherever you might be. They say that "kids these days" have so much content provided for them that they are short on imagination. I suppose if they didn't have computers and such, you could just give them a couple of sticks and they could rub them together and discover fire all over again, but that's a different blog. This blog is about being enslaved.
There are many ways to be enslaved. You can be enslaved by your own life, your desires, your passions, and whatnot. I am fond of saying that men are slaves to their biology, and that keeps me from having to think, dispute, or reconcile some of their behavior.
When you think of plantations, do you think of Gone With The Wind? This movie is a classic film drama, but Scarlett and Rhett represented the privileged few, the sharp point at the top of the pyramid. The truth is that plantations existed before the Old South in the United States of America.
Tudor and Stuart plantation systems were established in Ireland in the 16th and 17th centuries. Plantations in the Caribbean were stocked with Irish slaves and servants, many of them children. Orphaned and poor children, in fact, were often used as slaves in the past and today.
Many Scandinavian people came to the United States as indentured servants. An indentured servant did have the option of being free after fulfilling a term of service.
This brings up a touchy subject. On a plantation there has to be two classes: masters and servants. This subject is not so touchy with the masters, but it is a real stinker with the servants and slaves.
Slavery exists today in human trafficking of both adults and children.
From time to time it is necessary to think about something which requires our attention, since awareness that a problem exists is the first step in solving a problem.
Have you ever imagined what it would be like if you were a slave? That might be difficult if you don't know anything about it, the everyday and harsh reality.
This brings to mind the subject of autonomy. To me, this word means the right to choose one's own course in life, to make one's own decisions, and most of all, to do one's own thinking. If someone else tells you what to do and what to think all the time, are you not similar to a robot which is programmed to obey commands?
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