Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I had a great dream. I had my own personal secretary, keeper of my secrets if I have any.

I really need one. You have no idea how much work, business, correspondence, ectoplasm, sorting, sorties, I have each week. I'm up to my ears in stuff to do.

Hiring strangers can be plagued with mishap, though.

Condition for employment: must strongly agree with me on important and unimportant issues. I can't think of anything worse than a secretary who thinks you are a nincompoop and that you are misguided on all theories and critical issues of life, or worse yet, one who plans to undermine, sabotage, and set you up for a fall. Does anyone need to pay money for this?

I'd prefer he or she was neat, or at least smelled pretty good and didn't come drunk to work. It would be heaven if my Secretary was funny and liked to make tea for me a couple of times a day. It would be helpful to know a few things about how life really works and had a lot of interests and hobbies. It would be delightful if my secretary had a mania for cooking up secret delicious recipes to test on me and did the occasional doodle or work of art.

Search In Progress.