Good People of America:
What happened to America? Where is it, that America I imagined? I understand that the land mass is still here, holding up real estate and people, but was I living in a fool's paradise ? I realize that other countries such as Canada and Mexico consider themselves Americans in that they live on the American continent, but you know what I mean unless you were born with a silver iPod in your mouth.
People in high and responsible places have said crazy things implying that if "we" don't behave ourselves, retirees won't get their social security checks on time, spank spank, and other things such as hitting the kill switch for social security, eliminating the child labor laws so "we" can put children, those incredible leeches, into productive low-paying jobs, and possibly creating a class of people who do not enjoy the benefit of law, which have been uttered and broadcast on television and radio by our elected and unelected officials.
Are "we", the people who are born, live, pay taxes, and die in America, such objects of ridicule and contempt that world leaders, most especially our own, think "we" are ludicrous? If so, I must sign up for clown school. If you are already an amateur clown, think about becoming a professional.
Clowns are usually scary to young children who have never seen one. Imagine the first time something resembling a human with grotesque features and coloring aggressively jumps up into your vision and honks a horn at you or makes some other surprising and loud noise to get your attention. Scary clowns make good subjects for horror movies, as you already know, so don't let world leaders clown around anymore.
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