Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Believe me when I tell you that each person creates their own reality.

Don't feel bad if you have been working on this concept and nothing much seems to have changed. It doesn't happen overnight, not usually. It's an ongoing process, like redecorating the house, involving more people and other factors.


I am not the only one who believes this. Deepak Chopra writes, "If your sense of self is constricted, then it expresses itself as a tight and constricted body, a fearful outlook, and an insecure environment...If a critical mass of people were to express their expanded selves, not only would they spontaneously fulfill their personal desires, they would change the very way culture articulates itself."

Compare uptight and rigid with relaxed and expansive. Choose and create good schools, good families, good communities, and good companions.

Create a safe world, full of delight.

Caregivers of all sorts should know this. It is their job to create an expansive environment designed for thriving.

I went to the ocean and noticed that everything adjacent to the ocean was similar in quality. This might sound like a no-brainer, but I saw that the tide left pictures of fishes in the sand.

I went to the Colorado mountains in winter, and the trees there showed the characteristics of frost and snowflakes: sharp, slender, crisp, and spiky. An environment expresses itself in every facet of the "landscape".

Reading the magazine Technology Review, there were many photos of chips, transistors, and processing boards. There was an article about power grids. The power grids look like large information processors. It could compute information if the grids were built in the correct formation and not just seemingly willy-nilly.

Economy of effort with full utilization of design and components are key.

When you become part of a network, you become part of a recipe. The final result will be the combination of all ingredients. Choose good ingredients.

When many people use the Internet and social networking programs, they shape and define what the protocol is and is to be, regardless of the template. The individual members, a group of components, serve as a processing unit.

The Internet, as it exists today, does not resemble what it was originally conceived to be.

You are undoubtedly more than what someone had in mind when you weighed somewhere between two and ten pounds.

Possibly more.

Like music, each member of any group-circuit-board, serves as a separate note, two or three as a chord, and the whole can tune and function as a symphony.

Certain metaphors come to mind.

The content, of what participants of any group think and feel, even if it is subtle and restrained in character and nature, is conveyed to the other members, who process that information, making it a kind of reality.

Even our words, our language, shape and create who were are and how we experience reality. Quantum mechanics seems to be saying that particles don't always make their move until the observer recognizes and chooses it as a reality.

Choose carefully.

Oh, and P.S., you know who you are - you can't really separate what is truly cohesive.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Your home electrical wiring is probably low voltage cable. It operates on a circuit. Your home most likely has telephone wiring too.

"This page gives you all the information you need to know about how to install and wire up a small CAT5, CAT5e, or CAT6 ether net computer network, such as in your home or a small office; or to make your own Ethernet cables. " A colorful description of the basic wiring requirement of a twisted pair is that "A key thing to remember is that a twisted-pair network must be arranged in a "star".

Energy Star indicates an appliance that is designed with efficiency in mind.

Where is this leading? Nearly every home in America is a circuit on a grid with many other homes in an even larger grid. The wheels are turning. Are we missing an opportunity to hook up everyone to a giant Turing computing scheme?

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Got TMS?

Today's read is from MIT's magazine Technology Review, February 2009 issue, page 26, located towards the bottom of the page near a teal colored rectangle with the word Psychiatry inside.

The article is entitled Magnetic Depression Treatment, and in case your eyes might play tricks on you, that's not Manic Depression Treatment.

A quick look at the photo might confuse you. The setup looks pretty much like a dentist's office, except if you will look more closely, there is a "Treatment Coil - converts electrical currents into MRI-strength magnetic fields". This unit plugs into a standard wall outlet.

According to the magazine article, the treatment is delivered with a specially made wand held over the head which " delivers highly focused magnetic pulses to a part of the brain that's been linked to depression".

Another article gives a good review.

To you skeptics out there, think of all the magnetic words you know: magnetic storm, magnetic imaging, horseshoe magnet, horseshoe crab (oops), and Wooly Willy. Wooly Willy is a primer of the fact that magnetism can move things.

Wooly Willy was a toy, the guy on the thin plastic tablet in a plastic case filled with metal shavings. The user held a magnetic tipped plastic wand and rearranged the metal shavings to add or subtract hair and beard to Willy's head and face. You remember don't you?

Willy was OK until you started messing him up.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Burundanga - a new word for me. It is an odorless, tasteless powder said to be derived from the flower of the borrachero tree. We'll get to the tasteless part in a minute.

The magazine article I am reading is in Latino University, November 2008. A photograph shows flowers that look like Angels' Trumpets, attractive plants you can grow from seed at home. In warm climates such as California, the Sun Belt, and Mexico, the plant does not winter kill. Non-stop growth leads to gigantic shrubby plants.

The nickname for this substance, "Columbian Devil's Breath", translates as scopolamine, a drug once used for women in childbirth. It was popularly thought that it made labor painless. What it really did was cause amnesia. When the drug wore off, women did not remember their labor. It is difficult to believe that the medical establishment really believed that to be true. I have read accounts about women sedated with scopolamine screaming and clawing, and that doesn't sound like they were pain-free to me.

"Devil's Breath or scopolamine - is known for its zombifiying (That's right, -ying) effect, completely ridding the user of his free will." Parenthetical words are mine. It actually makes you think you're unconscious.

So, in a way, there are real zombies. "Although you appear sober and coherent, you can't remember anything you did while on the drug." So just watch your drinks, noses, and hands when traveling to South America because you don't want to end up burundangiado."

As if the effect weren't bad enough, this powder can be put in your food or drink. It can be blown into a victim's face, smeared on a business card, and even dusted into a bouquet of roses delivered to your door. The perpetrator can rob you, molest you, or even beat you up. You really won't remember that it ever happened unless there is physical evidence.

It's not just another date-rape drug.