Friday, January 12, 2007

The Hollow Men. The Queen of the Silver Dollar.

How many silver dollars do you have on your person right now? Check your pockets, your purse, your backpack, your fanny pack, that velvet box you carry with you that contains your jewels.

How many did you find? I didn't find any.

Silver dollars are rarely ever in circulation and given as change in ordinary transactions on a day to day basis. A collector might have quite a few, but I doubt he will be carrying them around on his person.

That is why I was utterly confused to read that US defense contractors are walking around with silver dollars in their pockets. They are not ordinary silver dollars. They are hollow and have transmitting devices and space for microfilm and such.

They look quite a lot like Hanukkah gelt. Maybe they discovered the devices when the disappointed person pried it open to get at the chocolate. No chocolate. Surprise. Surprise.

Several U.S. Pentagon contractors with high level security clearances had them on their persons. The rest is secret, because it is scary and embarrassing and has further repercussions.

I'm just wondering if, because I am not among this crowd, maybe it is typical to have silver dollars in your pocket. Otherwise, isn't anyone saying hmmm, "who is giving out loaded silver dollars?"

Right now, I'm thinking I don't want any in my pocket, dans ma poche.

I am thinking it would be more fun to think about fun, maybe do my hair up in ringlets and get out of the house for a while with my staff, go to a bull fight, basketball or hockey game or something.

Don't accept any wooden nickels, kid. Also, put a hold on the silver dollars.