If you think the sound of storm water runoff is rainbow, maybe you are different from the madding crowd. Brain Man is a word play on Rain Man. The first reaction of people to the word savant is, you know, retarded. That is probably now on the list of politically incorrect words, but it means merely slow, although slow does not mean retarded. En retard - is French, I think.
Being different has never been a secure place for people, but if they realized that everyone has a little bit of genius in them, they might feel differently. If everyone exercised their little bit of genius, a lot more problems could be solved, including but not limited to the global water crisis.
Rain water harvesting is one solution. Doesn't it sound like some melodic and cosmic vibe resonating in the reservoir of your brain and body, which is, by the way, made mostly of water.
Aren't we running a little bit late in addressing this issue in an intelligent manner?
Labels: rainwater harvesting