Friday, March 23, 2007

I read The World According To Garp a long time ago.

In this book, a group called the Ellen Jamesians voluntarily had their tongues cut out in protest of crimes against women, but maybe also because they are afraid to say anything at all, for fear of repercussions. When you don't speak up for what is right or to defend yourself and those who can't defend themselves, then symbolically, you don't have a tongue either.

There is far too much fear and intimidation in the world. The perpetrators of fear and intimidation seem to have the upper hand. They seem to be saying "keep your mouth closed or you or your family or your bunny will get hurt."

Nevertheless, people are endlessly inventive in finding ways to communicate without directly tackling the subject at hand. It seems to be that human nature and communication go hand in hand.

Clinically depressed people who show a "flat effect" have lost or supressed the ability to show a full range of emotions. They are apathetic about everything. Symbolically, they have lost their tongues.

Those attempting to induce a "blunt affect" in a population by restricting normal human activities that include communication and speech and laughter and interpersonal relationships are sick, sick, sick.

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