Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Is heaven in our heads?

I was reading about an artist who thinks heaven is in our imagination. I saw a Book with Wings.

People who believe in angels, definitely believe in things that can't be proven. They believe in them anyway.

Angels are said to have what we rudely call a pecking order. That order requires a beak, so if you don't have one, then you're out of order. You're not even allowed in line. That doesn't sound angelic, but rather more pedestrian.

Could it be that whatever we feed our minds, whatever concepts of paradise that we imagine. that is what will be there waiting for us when we die? Could it be that all the people we miss will all be in there waiting for us if we can only remember them?

Remind me not to think of Odin's Carrion Hall complete with Valkyries. Perish the thought. Images of horned helmets, unlimited mead, and the undead could haunt my dreams.

Might it be worth investing in some furniture for "up there"? Maybe we should put a lot of good stuff in our brains for, oh, the Heavenly Choir.

I know a lot of people who have completely rejected playing a harp on a cloud for eternity, but that was before cloud computing.

What would you like to do for eternity? The question is attempting to get at what subject wouldn't bore you if you had to do it for eternity. It's much like the question of asking what book you would choose if you were stranded on a desert island and if you could only choose one book to possess, what would it be?

Choose wisely.

A psychologist once told me about research work that was attempting to locate the God Center in our brains. If it exists, I find it odd that Nuns don't seem to have it. And if the Nuns can't find it, how am I supposed to?