Tuesday, January 23, 2007

People are the most dangerous animals of all.

One is warned that a human bite is far more deadly than any animal bite. The good news is that I have rarely been bitten by a human, although the same goes for animals.

Still, people are very preoccupied with controlling all the species, human and animal. Radio signal collars and implants are tracking and controlling cougars, apes, and people.

You may be scoffing right now, thinking this is crazy. Can you deny that they collar cougars, and with good reason? They are dangerous. They kill people and animals, and they especially like lamb chops.

I have to pepper my grim thoughts with humor for, you see, I have this antiquated obsession with privacy, which has gone pretty much the same way as pure water.

They radio-collar gorillas too. I don't know if gorillas are truly dangerous, but they might bite if they are scared. And squirrels, they track squirrels. And people, they track people. They like to call it authenticating. I authenticate my encrypted password. Yep, it's really me.

Hunter-gathering is as old as the proverbial cave men. The urge to hunt is probably forever embedded in the human genome. Hunting differentiates in many ways such as looking for your socks under the bed when you want to go home or looking for your car in the parking lot after the bar closes. The "prey" can be elusive.

There is good hunting. There are good tracking devices. In Colorado, USA, skiers and outdoorsmen are advised to carry a tracking device that emits a signal that can be used to find a hiker lost in the woods or a skier buried under an avalanche. They can save your life.

The solution is about voluntary participation, at least for humans. Do squirrels even care?